The Mayo Conspiracy Named a Finalist in the DOFIFF

The Mayo Conspiracy received an official nomination in the Depth of Field International Film Festival and will be competing against 4 other nominated films in the festival’s comedy category. Winning films will be announced at the end of the month so we are keeping our fingers crossed. We finally reached our “final cut”, guided by all of the great feedback we received from our local showings in the Philly area and thus, started the process of sending out the film to festivals throughout the country. Being named a finalist in this online festival, competing against submissions throughout the world, was a nice way to kick-start that process. The film was also named an official screenplay selection at last month’s Houston Comedy Film Festival. Hopefully, the Mayo Conspiracy will soon be coming to a city near you. By the way, the best way to follow the progress of our film is to “like us” on our official facebook page.

Happy eating,

Craig Horwitz

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